RCB 50% + Tshirt Unofficial

Deposit Pertama $500 untuk mendapatkan Tshirt

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Kantor Uinvest

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Result WD dari FP yang saya paka jasanya

Berikut FP2 yang saya pakai jasanya setelah LR shutdown

  • FP NeelaRYP => Semua PP dengan fee/commision rendah sekitar 10-15%
  • FP seda1983 => Paypal dengan fee/commision skitar 10-15%
  • FP arshadh4299 => paypal dengan fee/commision 20%
  • FP P50P => Perfect Money dengan fee/commision skitar 15% terakhir 30%
  • FP Lorza => Maybank dengan rate yang sedikit manusiawi dibanding FP malay lain :D
  • FP Sniper => Maybank dengan rate normal cuman sayang ketinggalan mulu :D
  • FP Takihiroi => JPbank dengan Fee/commision 1% dan rate normal 

WD di uinvest masih lancar..hanya saja rate yang ditawarkan tidak manusiawi
agar dapat rate manusiawi sering2 pantau page withdraw kali aja ada FP yang nawarin rate normal :)
terakhir WD kemaren via Perfectmoney fee/commision dpt 15%
kemaren lusa via paypal dpt fee 14%
seminggu yang lalu via payza dpt fee 15%

Happy Hunting FP :D

Manfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk mencairkan semua aset anda yang ada di uinvest :)
berikut hasil WD kemarin

Monday, June 10, 2013

Daftar Swift Code dan IBAN bank Indonesia

Berikut  Swift Code Bank yang ada di Indonesia

Nama Bank Kode Swift Bank
Bank Indonesia INDOIDJA
Bank Central Asia (BCA) CENAIDJA
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) BRINIDJA
Bank Mandiri (not Bank Syariah Mandiri) BEIIIDJA
Bank Syariah Mandiri (not Bank Mandiri) BSMDIDJA
Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) BNINIDJA
Bank Bumiputera Indonesia BUMIIDJA
Bank Artha Graha ARTGIDJA
Bank Bumi Arta Indonesia BBAIIDJA
Bank Buana Indonesia BBIJIDJA
Bank Danamon BDINIDJA
Bank Bukopin BBUKIDJA
Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII) IBBKIDJA
Lippobank LIPBIDJA
Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) BTANIDJA
Bangkok Bank BKKBIDJA
Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia BNPAIDJA
Bank Resona Perdania BPIAIDJA
Deutsche Bank AG DEUTIDJA
Bank Mizuho Indonesia MHCCIDJA
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking (HSBC) HSBCIDJA
Pan Indonesia Bank PINBIDJA
Bank Rabobank International Indonesia RABOIDJA
Bank UFJ Indonesia SAINIDJA
Bank Swadesi SWBAIDJA
Bank UOB Indonesia UOBBIDJA
Bank Permata BBBAIDJA
Bank Maybank Indocorp MBBEIDJA
Bank Chinatrust Indonesia CTCBIDJA
Woori Bank Indonesia HVBKIDJA
Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia SUNIIDJA
Bank Finconesia FINBIDJA
Bank OCBC Indonesia OCBCIDJA
Bank Kesawan AWANIDJA
Bank Commonwealth BICNIDJA
Bank Ekonomi Raharja EKONIDJA
Bank DBS Indonesia DBSBIDJA
Bank CIC International CICTIDJA
Bank Ekspor Indonesia BEXIIDJA
Bank of China, Jakarta Branch BKCHIDJA

Berikut daftar kode bank transfer di Indonesia:

Nama Bank Kode Bank
Bank BNI 009
Bank Mandiri 008
Bank Syariah Mandiri 451
Bank Central Asia (BCA) 014
Bank BRI 002
Bank Danamon 011
Bank Permata 013
Bank Niaga 022
LippoBank 026
Bank NISP 028
Bank BII 016
Bank Bukopin 441
Bank Bumiputera 485
Bank Mega 426
Bank Panin 019
Bank Muamalat 147
Bank Syariah Mandiri 451
Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia 506
Bank UOB Buana 023
Bank UOB Indonesia 058
Bank Commonwealth 950
Bank Mayapada 097
Standard Chartered Bank 050
Bank DKI 111
Bank Jabar 110
Bank Riau 119
Bank Jatim 114
Bank Nagari 118
Bank Papua 132
Bank NTT 130
Bank BPD NTB 128
Bank Sulsel 126
Bank Sulut 127
Bank BPD Jambi 115
Bank Lampung 121
Bank BPD DIY 112
Bank Sumut 117
Bank Maluku 131
Bank BPD Bali 129
Bank BPD Kaltim 124
Bank Kalsel 122
Bank Sultra 135
Bank Bengkulu 133
Bank BPD Aceh 116
Bank Nusantara Parahyangan 145
Bank Mestika 151
Bank IFI 093
Bank Ina Perdana 513
Bank Agroniaga 494
Bank Saudara 212
Bank Eksekutif 558
Bank Arta Niaga Kencana 020
Bank Ganesha 161
Bank Mayora 553
Bank Artos Indonesia 542
BPR KS 558
Bank BPD Kalteng 125
Bank Swadesi 146
Bank Jateng 113
ABN AMRO Bank 052
American Express Bank 030
Bank of China Limited 069
BPD Aceh 116
BPD Bali 129
BPD Bengkulu 133
BPD Jambi 115
BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten 110
BPD Jawa Tengah 113
BPD Jawa Timur 114
BPD Kalimantan Barat 123
BPD Kalimantan Selatan 122
BPD Kalimantan Tengah 125
BPD Kalimantan Timur 124
BPD Lampung 121
BPD Maluku 131
BPD Nusa Tenggara Barat 128
BPD Nusa Tenggara Timur 130
BPD Papua (d/h BPD Irian Jaya) 132
BPD Riau 119
BPD Sulawesi Selatan 126
BPD Sulawaesi Tengah 134
BPD Sulawesi Tenggara 135
BPD Sulawesi Utara 127
BPD Sumatera Barat (Bank Nagari) 118
BPD Sumatera Selatan 120
BPD Sumatera Utara 117
BPD Yogyakarta 112
Citibank 031
Deuthche Bank 067
JP. Morgan Chase Bank 032
Anglomas Internasional Bank 531
ANZ Panin Bank 061
Bank Agroniaga 494
Bank Akita 525
Bank Alfindo 503
Bank Antardaerah 088
Bank Arta Niaga Kencana 020
Bank Artha Graha Internasional 037
Bank Artos Indonesia 542
Bank Bintang Manunggal 484
Bank Bisnis Internasional 459
Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia 057
Bank Bukopin 441
Bank Bumi Arta 076
Bank Bumiputera Indonesia 485
Bank Capital Indonesia 054
Bank China Trust Indonesia 949
Bank Credit Agricole Indosuez 039
Bank Danamon Indonesia 011
Bank Dipo International 523
Bank DKI 111
Bank Ekspor Indonesia 003
Bank Haga 089
Bank Lippo 026
Bank Maspion Indonesia 157
Bank Mayapada International 097
Bank Maybank Indocorp 947
Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia 506
Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) 200
ING Indonesia Bank 034
Bank Victioria International 566
Bangkok Bank 040

Cara Withdraw Melalui Wire Transfer

Seperti yang kita ketahui, semenjak penutupan LR rate uinvest semakin turun
rate normal sekarang dipasaran kisaran Rp. 7.000 / Dolar
sangat ironis mengingat rate jual sekarang mengacu kepada kurs BCA
harga sekarang sekitar Rp. 9750 / dolar

Tidak perlu takut dan tidak perlu galau :D
untuk uinvestor yang tidak ingin menjual balance nya dikisaran harga itu
alternatif lain kita pakai Wire Transfer
walaupun tidak secepat WD ke bank lokal, setidaknya bila melalui Wire Transfer
rate yang kita dapat lebih tinggi dari yang dipasaran

berikut cara WD melalui Wire Transfer
Masuk ke Account Management
lalu pilih Withdraw
Cari logo Wire Transfer

seperti dibawah ini

lalu klik logo Wire Transfer nya
cari FP yang bernama WireFP dan FP-z1027
karena kedua FP tersebut yang menerima transfer ke seluruh bank

saya rekomendasikan pakai jasa WireFP disamping fee nya yang kecil hanya 0,5%
dia juga langsung dari UINVEST

setelah pilih salah satu FP nya
sama seperti Withdraw melalui FP 
isi kolom2 yang disediakan

Keterangan :
  • Request Sum     : isi dengan jumlah balance yang akan di WD
  • UINVEST PIN  : isi dengan pin kita
  • Bank Name       : isi dengan nama bank yang kita pakai untuk WD
  • Swiftz                 : isi dengan kode Swift bank yang kita pakai
  • IBAN                 : isi dengan Kode IBAN yang kita paka
  • Account Name  : isi dengan nama yang sama dengan rekening kita
  • Beneficiary Address                : isi dengan alamat kita sendiri
  • Beneficiary Account Number  : isi dengan Nomer Rekening Kita
  • Beneficiary Bank Address      : isi dengan alamat bank yang kita pakai

setelah itu klik ok
tunggu sampai dikonfirmasi dari status New ke Progress
setelah itu tunggu sekitar 1-4 hari 
dana yang kita WD sudah cair

perlu di ingat 
Fee konversi dari USD ke Rupiah di tiap bank berbeda 
saya ambil contoh paling besar $22 (full amount)

bila kita Withdraw sebesar $1.000
dipotong fee 0.5% menjadi sebesar $955
lalu dipotong fee konversi $22
menjadi sebesar $973
lalu kurs rupiah tiap bank berbeda
saya ambil contoh kurs BCA sekarang Rp. 9750
total menjadi Rp. 9.486.750

bisa dibilang rate WD melalui Wire Transfer kurang lebih Rp. 9485
sangat berbeda jauh bila kita WD melalui FP yang rate nya Rp. 7000

ini contoh WD minimal $1000 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

[New Project] Hotel Complex (Stage I)



Price Per Share


Earning Monthly 

$ 30

Fix Profit


Uinvest is happy to present a truly special Hotel Complex in Central Federal District of Russia. Favorably located, this large, modern, and striking Hotel is a perfect stay for leisure and business guests. It provides a place for sleeping, dining, meeting, touring, relaxing, wedding ceremonies, and working in Russian cordial hospitality. A spacious lobby with shops, a stage for live music, a bar, and a cozy meeting area, all attracts guests from the city buzz to a relaxed friendly atmosphere. A stylish billiards room is a perfect venue for a pleasant evening with special meals or drinks. A sophisticated conference hall and state of the art meeting rooms are ideal for presentations or workshops. A dainty restaurant provides symbiosis of refined taste and high quality. Fascinating ambience, courteous staff, a wide range of hotel services ensure a regular flow of visitors and a profitable business offering investors promising long-term income. The Hotel Complex offers more than 250 elegant and comfortable guestrooms and suites of any class equipped with all necessary conveniences, some of the suites feature jacuzzi. A dining area includes a restaurant designed in a modern, but traditional Russian style and a dining room is dedicated to delight conference participants or wedding guests. A huge indoor pool, sauna, and a perfectly equipped gym offer fitness and wellness services.

Featuring unsurpassed facilities and outstanding service, this Hotel Complex has a high potential and intends to sell some shares for further development. This is a good investment opportunity with decent income.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Dampak Penutupan LR Terhadap UINVEST

Seperti yang kita ketahui, beberapa hari terakhir Payment Prosessor yang satu ini mengalami down yang agak lama dan banyak isu2 yang berkembang bahwa PP ini scam seperti di kutip di salah satu news dibawah


Lalu apa dampak nya terhadap UINVEST??

Dampak langsung terhadap UINVEST tidak ada, karena UINVEST tidak pernah menyimpan dana mereka di LR. ini dikarenakan satu tahun kebelakang akun mereka sempat di blok oleh pihak LR yang mengakibatkan pending deviden hampir selama sebulan.

Pihak lawyer UINVEST menyelesaikan masalah ini langsung ke pihak LR, dan beberapa minggu kemudian akun LR UINVEST dibuka kembali, setelah kejadian tersebut UINVEST tidak pernah menyimpan dana mereka disana.

kembali ke pembahasan. dampaknya terhadap UINVEST tidak ada.lalu kenapa banyak FP yang tidak membuka WD dan bahkan rate pun anjlok?
ini disebabkan banyaknya uinvestor yang kurang mengerti dan takut UINVEST akan terkena dampak dari LR scam, sehingga banyak yang melakukan WD dan FP yang ada pun kehabisan Rp nya.

Dan perlu di ingat...ini terjadi hanya di uinvestor Indonesia saja...karena uinvestor luar tidak terlalu mempermasalahkan masalah LR ini scam atau tidak karena yang punya masalah LR bukan UINVEST nya :).

dan ini tanggapan UINVEST terkait down nya PP LR

Friday, March 29, 2013

[New Project] Hotel Project

Hotel Project


Price Per Share


Earnings Monthly


Fix Profit

$ 81.9


A hotel in Russia, in the Far North, a land of magnificent midnight sun and kaleidoscopic northern lights. A big ski resort is located in the heart of this beauty and is just 700 meters away. It all makes the hotel an incredible alternative for skiers. A symbiosis of rustic charm and modern comfort gives you a bit of luxury in the wilderness, and convenience of entrance to the forest that surrounds the chalets attracts lots of guests every year. Amenities include cozy accommodations, satellite television, wireless internet, Russian baths, and a uniquely decorated restaurant. Proximity to highways adds easier options for travelers and always promises favorable occupancy. The hotel cooperates with a range of tourist companies providing persistent tourist flow both in summer and winter seasons. A unique place, the warmest welcome and outstanding service guarantee business sustainability and decent returns for investors.


At present the hotel management plans to expand its area and add several new chalets to meet an increasing tourist flow, thus investors are welcome. This is one of the most exciting investment opportunities in Uinvest’s portfolio and we'll be happy if you find it worth for your consideration.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

[New Project] Conventional Dredger Construction Project

Conventional Dredger Construction Project


Price Per Share


Earning Monthly 

$ 14.85

Fix Profit


The construction/fabrication of a conventional dredger used for mining sand minerals from the river for commercial purpose. The dredger is inserted in to a river where it is used to excavate sand (sand sharp) from the river which is bought by construction companies, individual and block industries. This sand is used for construction of bridges, houses, molding of blocks and sand blasting of rusted irons and pipeline. This minerals is on high demand and has good economic value due to its density.

Dredging is a lucrative business like every other business when handled and managed professionally. It is a mining technique which allows the excavation of sand mineral for construction and engineering purpose. Dredging is a mechanical way of excavating sharp sand from the river, this sand is said to be sharp due to its density and is widely used for construction. The operation techniques involves a suction pump, a pump, a Lister generator, a gear system, floaters and base floaters and winch which is a simple pulley. This equipment make up a dredger. We intends to be a major producer and suppliers of the sand mineral in 5 years and also gravel. The mechanical operations by our technology is easy to maintain and repairs should the system fail is easy to undertake since the parts are easily and readily available in the market.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Pembatalan Honey Project

Seteleh investigasi lebih mendalam terhadap Honey Project
Pihak Uinvest menarik kesimpulan bahwa bisnis ini terlalu beresiko prospek kedepannya kurang potensial untuk uinvestor berinvestasi di bisnis ini.

Demi kenyamanan dan keamanan para Uinvestor, Uinvest membatalkan kerjasama dengan pihak Honey Project dan uinvestor yang sudah membeli saham tersebut agar cepat menjual ke pihak ISLD sebelum pihak uinvest menghapus di list bursa saham uinvest

Tentunya tiap bisnis investasi slalu ada resikonya,untuk menghindari bayang2 scam uinvest berusaha meminimalisir resiko agar uinvestor tidak mengalami kerugian yang sangat besar dan uinvest mengambil keputusan mengbatalkan Honey Project 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Uinvest Getting Green

Dear UInvestors,

How often do we think of the necessity to print this or that document? Usually, we do not think, we just automatically click "Print" and pick up the document at the printer. UInvest suggests everyone to think for a moment about saving our environment, and offers an opportunity to receive an electronic certificate instead of the paper one.

We truly believe this initiative will be kindly accepted by our UInvestors, and we will all make our environment better.

All the best from UInvest,
PR Team

Uinvest mendukung program penghijauan bumi untuk menghindari efek Global Warming, oleh karena itu Uinvest menawarkan Sertifikat Kepemilikan Saham berupa digital bukan fisik yang harus di Print dan menghabiskan beberapa kertas yang umumnya di ambil dari pohon yang ditebang di hutan.

Uinvest sangat percaya inisiatif  ini akan diterima dengan positif oleh para uinvestor untuk menyelamatkan lingkungan kita, bumi kita untuk menjadi lebih baik lagi 

Go Green

Save Our Earth

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Maintenance Work

Please be advised that today from 4pm the maintenance of our website will take place. Kinldy be advised that this is a planned action.

Many thanks for your understanding
All the best from UInvest.

Sesuai schedule, uinvest akan melakukan maintenance perbaikan bug dan penambahan fitur2 di web new.uinvest.com.ua
maintenance akan dilakukan pada jam 4PM yang berarti jam 21 WIB 

Monday, January 21, 2013

[New Project] Honey Project


Price Per Share

$ 800

Earnings Monthly

$ 128

Fix Profit 

$ 155.2


The company would expanded into the Slovak market with retail packaging. This means of delivering vendor to retail networks, and also offer methods, these products abroad (98%). This means for quite some time but for larger profits than loyalty even when exporting in wholesale packages.


In recent years, although the company has received orders from retailers, but if he wants to establish a stronger on the market, it is necessary that was annotated with relevant technology. On the Slovak market is still the potential to progress in the retail trade, i.e. deliveries to retail outlets and networks. Also there is potential in selling retail packages to abroad, are in process of negotiations in Austria and Slovenia, in this case for Mead. Rarely happens that the honey had purchased from competitive companies, the company has a well established network of their suppliers in Slovakia. But the plan has since bought also in neighbouring States, namely, the methods, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, is necessary in the future to develop the contacts currently, into such dimensions that compete well in those countries.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tutorial Menjadi Financial Partner (FP)

Halo Uinvestor Semua
bagi anda yang tertarik ingin menjadi Financial Partner (FP)
berikut penjelasannya

Anda harus punya rating minimal 3000
tiap $1 = 0.7 rating
jadi kalo anda ingin menjadi FP
minimal deposit $4286

setelah rating terpenuhi
masuk ke Money Management - Financial Partner

setelah klik Financial Partners
cari tombol Register lalu klik
setelah klik register
akan muncul gambar seperti dibawah

Security Deposit
Isi dengan Jumlah Balance yang akan di pake untuk transaksi Financial Partners
Add Fund ataupun Withdraw

Incoming Payments
Transaksi Addfund
pilih alat pembayaran mana yang akan kita pake untuk transaksi Add Fund
dan isi jumlah balance yang tersedia di Amount Available
Untuk pembayaran lewat Bank Lokal pilih Custom
isi semua dan Isi Custome Name dengan nama Bank yang kita pake

Outgoing Payments
Transaksi Withdraw

pilih alat pembayaran mana yang akan kita pake untuk Transaksi Withdraw
dan isi jumlah balance yang tersedia di Amount Available

Untuk pembayaran lewat Bank Lokal pilih Custom
isi semua dan Isi Custome Name dengan nama Bank yang kita pake

setelah semua di isi
lalu klik register 
lalu akan keluar tampilan seperti berikut

Selamat Anda sudah menjadi Financial Partner

Saturday, January 19, 2013

[New Fitur] Penambahan Fitur Pembayaran di Uinvest

Seperti yang dijelaskan di Uinvest Friday Newslatter
Uinvest menambahkan jumlah sistem pembayaran di FP
di situs terbarunya uinvest

di kolom addfund dan withdraw
ditambahkan beberapa sistem pembayaran
terutam bank lokal indonesia
anda tidak perlu repot lagi
mencari FP mana  yang nerima salah satu bank lokal indonesia :)

selain dari bank yang diatas
bisa cari di other :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

[New Project] Penambahan Lembar Saham Project Restaurant

Akhir tahun lalu Uinvest merilis Saham Terbarunya
Restaurant Project di tahap pertama
dan untuk tahap kedua
Hari ini Uinvest menambahkan beberapa lembar saham dengan harga Perdana
di Restaurant Project

Status :

Price Per Share

Earning Monthly

Fix Profit


Restaurant is an exciting new theme concept offering fresh food served almost all type of people (ethnic, Arab, Asians…etc). The creators of this concept, are seeking to raise investment capital for complete renovation, obtain financing and secure an ideal location for the restaurant. The restaurant will serves high quality Arabic meals with unique recipes that differentiate us from other competitors. The service style will be a well designed and decorated reception service featuring a professional wait staff as all customers once entering the restaurant our staff will welcome them at the counter to be ready to take their orders. There are two main reasons that Romance Night Restaurant will succeed in Dammam: first is the lack of direct competition near to the location chosen, the second is the high demand for a product like this in Dammam. Dammam is in preparation for a large population growth period, the current population of the greater area is over 600,000 according and expanding. The restaurant will offer additional services including takeout and delivery.


The Eastern Provinces Municipality says there are currently over 600,000 people. populating this metropolitan area. Using basic demographic characteristics of age, gender, income, location, food preferences, ethnicity, and an estimate of 300,000 potential customers was used in developing this plan. The Arabian Open University of Dammam was established in 2010, and currently has over 30,000 students. It is expected to gradually increase in size as it has over the previous years. Across the street from the University is Dammam Main Hospital, which currently employs over 3,500 people (according to a hospital information representative). Military residential area which have around 1500 – 2000 population; 90% of them are single and have their lunch and dinner from restaurant (mainly takeout or delivery). The restaurant location is very close to all of above mentioned.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

[New Project] Paper Mill

Project Paper Mill


Price Per Share
$ 825

Earnings Monthly
$ 173

Fix Profit
$ 155.1


Uinvest is happy to present to investors one of the biggest board and paper manufacturer in Europe. This is The Board and Paper Mill located in Kiev region of Ukraine. Its share in the pulp-and-paper industry is about 30% of common output of the country. Waste paper is the main raw material used in manufacturing. The mill's recycling capacity is above 850 tons of waste paper per day. The complex includes three main manufactures: board, paper, and corrugated packing plants equipped with cutting-edge facilities and machinery of leading European equipment manufacturers. The Mill is a leader in paperboard manufacturing in Ukraine. Its wide product range also includes coated and non-coated paper and board for numerous purposes, various packaging, labels, hygienic paper products, paper products for domestic use, corrugated paperboard products to name a few. This paper is used to protect and promote the leading brands of Europe. All products comply with international quality management standards ІSO 9001:2000 and ISO 9001-2001. Kiev Board and Paper Mill is proud to count about 500 companies from Ukraine, CIS countries, and Europe are among its customers. Among them there are Austria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Poland and many, many more.


Having up-to-date equipment, using high-quality materials and advanced technologies the Mill flexibly responds to paper market needs and constantly improves and develops its production processes investing in the latter-day facilities and new production lines. Now, in its endeavors to provide multifarious and profitable investment projects, Uinvest offers an outstanding opportunity to become a co-owner of the leading manufacturer in Europe! This is an excellent investing facility with sustainability proven for years.